Friday, September 30, 2016

Natural Response

Always the things that's right in front of people is the most ignored fact. the experiences and tales of the things that it has always offered are but ignored or left in shelves. The nurturing of nature for this country has been in abundance but as the morning with its recourse to the night, so were the humble people here. The encapsulating discoveries of the night in this very nation were ruptured and torn down to degraded ideologies and beliefs by itself. Years had followed by and those lost in the waves of misfortune and ignorance were always a bit to many.

Teaching and understanding are still the two opposite side of the equilibrium it had followed. The land of all things the world had to offer, riffs in the southern coast, cliffs in the eastern frontiers, hush in the western desert, err in the northern reaches. An arsenal for the revered in the rightful hands brings not sorrow, right past the point of no return there has always been a will far too strong to go extinct. Tempered with time and labour it had strived the will of people, will of dreamers, will of explorers, the will of innocence.

The sound of whistle from his kitchen bought back Ishva, from admiring the huge green canvas that was his window's offering on this rainy lively and increasingly dark evening. The smell of a well cooked and spiced meal greeted him as he walked in and adjusted the flames to his stove. A affably cut bowl of fruits was whiffed out from the refrigerator just so to finally compliment the unseasonable advent of stormy sky. He had got his stuff packed up, ready to be shipped as he finally fiddles around the first clue after so many years of service, in the uncharted vague-lands of the Alepht Caves.

Morning light after the heavy rain and colliding winds which some how settled the next day was a surprise to all. There appears to be a certain charm to this morning which brought a smile on this broad shouldered fifty five years old husky voice specimen of a human. The routine he had followed for past many years had now become a necessary habit for him to complete each day. Even with the anticipation of leaving the west of this peninsula to glimpse upon and start with the tour and journey he had to follow it up and methodically complete all his rituals.

Weather inclined to give way and Ishva had no mind to dabble with time. At about twelve in the afternoon when the sun was high but the winds and clouds had not settled back, coming out of the small cottage he caught the sight of a pair of cranes enjoying a meal at a nearby infant stream, the only noise of nature had always felt slow and less menacing compared to all other endeavors. He had left in his car towards his destination and checked on all the last notices.

Clearing his thoughts of his fixed and ruled out life, he was driving on the a highway to reach a big town nearby for boarding a night flight. All major location on the coast have had a airport with adequate facilities and been in function for long. The overly hygienic world of these mechanized war bases were open to public for fair travel to other of such creations, but the way to this particular airport had a long hanging bridge which did not have any soul on this story evening.

The flood gates to the dam have been opened just recently leaving a maelstrom of birds and animals fleeing off from the river basin to hilly region of the surroundings . The gush of water which had made its way along this Unna river, which had been silent not for long enough when Ishva got to the hanging bridge. The overly cautious elderly must have been driving slow because the car that got washed up in the flood had its engine stuttering when it was discovered about a dozen kilometers into the flow of the silent river Unna. Locals who had contacted the relatives and the police have had first such story in years as the desolated outskirts usually had rather educated locale in terms of avoiding deaths during these sudden turn of coastline weathers. The sea & its seamen might be a different story but the roads and bridges were very well avoided during such times and kept in check by the local authorities.

The news made it to papers and was published the next day. The facts stating that the body was never discovered in the wilderness or by the search parties. The perks of being an government employee, there was much known about you. People flocked to this news and soon it cried out. Tears and labour are not always much cared for, Ishva had told his son on one occasion over a stroll they took to a simple park nearby his world when he was a little child and now the same tears now without his  permission on his face had dried of on his face with his eyes betraying him even then as he heard the news of father's disappearance.

When the black cover got of his eyes Ishva was in the mechanical behemoth flying to his unheard island. The set of books and enough writing material spread in a clothed bag on his lap, view from a height of Eighteen thousand feed is essentially breath taking. The clear view of the tiny living blocks and their own dependencies scattered to meet the immediate requirement or the need of their fellow countrymen.

"You have had a long history with us Mr Ishva" said a deep voice that came from the adjacent seat of his. The person was stirring a cup of coffee with rich aroma with him adding sugar to it. Adorning a haughty mustache and a clean shave his personification is the most common one in this subcontinent, the only difference is the stoic feeling that revered around him.

Snapping his fingers near Ishva's ears Mr Suit casually said "Neither we start nor we are at the end, we just help as a middleman in this quest of your." putting the cup to his lips and gulping a sip from it. The satisfied looks and faint smile looked dissolved with remembrance of a happier time he continued, "We can go over your role again if you want," Ishva interested "You don't need to worry, I don't feel that estranged and can think rationally, you should have worked on my profile more to know that."

" We tried to not poke around much." he said sounding reserved in what he should say. A small laugh and Ishva's head tilted back to the window admiring the colonies down near the port down where they were about to land. "Have you done any other reconnaissance of the target location" he said still absorbing in the bird's eye view that he had himself wondered over few times.

"Alepht Caves have had no primary residents for over about two millennia. The location has no temporary or any permanent residence in the immediate vicinity of the target location. The forest is unaltered and the vicinity has been clear of any human indulgence for ages." When Ishva leaned in from his window Mr Suit stopped and raised a hand in protest of his interruption even before it had happened.

" We have not done any investigations from our side at all Mr Ishva, the location had a weird feeling about it," He stopped again drifting for a bit and sipping on his cup and finishing it finally, when the lights and announcement from the plane crew stating of their arrival and immediate landing that was underway in few minutes. "You can be at ease we have not had crews go there other than some very people who had delicately treated at location. Nothing has been tempered with."

Soon Ishva went back to watching the half view out his wonder window as they landed "You have it  at you disposal for next few years till we have essentially reveal the location to the world as whole calming it to be a part of this county." So basically a no one's land, befits the title of Beginning of the Lands, thought Ishva mumbling. "And by the way, your disappearance have informed to your family." He said buckling up and pointing towards Ishva's belt.

"This is your Captain and welcome to the City of Dreams, The temperature is thirty degree Celsius and humidity at sixty five percent, you may be greeted with a light showers when you head out. Thank you for flying with us."

The Announcement was a costumery "You have a great journey and your bag has all necessities." A voice drifted to him as he walked towards the door Ishva turned back as he reached the door to ask "Where do I report back?" His voice drifted but to his surprise there was no more Mr Suit but a man walking in the captain's cabin who gave him an nod and shut the door behind and the loud sun with a crisp sea winds greeted him instead.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Begning for the End

A country where people have starved and have been pushed upon by their own people has had a rough time since the dawn of it's emergence every time in the history, may be it's the docile nature or maybe patience they possess is it's bane. Here people have made pledges and have kept them for generations, also rituals that are followed and some frowned upon by millions has kept a lifeline going in some mysterious direction. Life may bring a lot to the people who seek here or nothing for the alienated bunch but what it does best is that it goes on nonetheless. Stacks of colossal knowledge that this country has had in its bossom had never been able to blossom, to truly see the light or even the rays of night for that matter. The misinterpritation of the teachings, the theatrics of the frauds, the blinding and binding trust this country has shown and has had is a milestone on its own for itself. There may be a lot of things wrong about it but its never too late for it to change.

People refer to it as their mother. A mother they forget about, sometimes love to much for its own good and at times plunder it is like a pirate's treasure trove and plundered it forgetting about the consequences for they will live but for mere years. Of all long and short, tall and bright , holy and divine and beautiful and right places in the world this country has made a billion look in awe and a billion bow in admiration. But people forget, that they have had this tendency since the ancient times. Since the time long forgotten people have had a fantasy to the ancient lands of Himalayas in the East or well some say its the north of the world but south of imagination. The unknown is always fascinating if you get something out of it or if you think you will get something out of it that is the only requirement for you to walk this land this earth. 

A stack of paper flew up with the gust of wind that had kicked up in the east bay of the peninsula, getting up to close the window of his government office which was flapping like a wing he pushing off a stack of book which helped keeping those very flaps open, Ishva's mind wandered back to the world with the sound of historing winds. He was just about to leave when the winds had kicked in jolting him up at the right time and was thinking whether he should leave for the town house or sleep in his the car at the parking both the sudden ideas had their answers.

"Sir, I am leaving, winds look pretty strong this year." A small yet confirmed voice came in from his office door and vanished with the whistling winds. "Your approval came go on home to your village." Ishva shouted on top of his voice rocking this out of place office in a very calming tone, at the east coast industrial area in a small town not much was needed for decoration but the build had to be sturdy.

Stacking up the books back in the corner of the room and fastening a makeshift lock on the window he had from a rubber string Ishva walked to the book he was reading, removing the paperweight and placing the bookmark he closed the it.

 A long sigh rustled the inner working of his body as he walked past his table and sneaked a glance at the locked window, A long and strong storm yes it is Mr Hedi a long and strong one, he pondered and walked out tapping the wooden floor with each step precisly.

The wind carried a smell of wet mud as he walked the hallway following behind the departed helper of his into the open hall that was the entrance to the office. The sky had turned a bit dark with the advent of the strong winds, the clouds and the sound of his footsteps echoed mildly as he reached the watchmen at the outer perimeter and looked at him, a smiling elderly with a cane that said about its years of usage had some rough and tattered looks greeted him, "Leaving early today sir are we?" Ishva chuckled a bit and patted him lightly on his shoulder as he stoped,  " You should too, the storm's brewing and will kick in with full force soon." 

Elderly looked at the clouds and said "I will , I will. " nodding in affirmation getting up his smile turned into a strain of old bones and last of the mortal body. "Locks can keep men out from you office not the nature, be ready to clean up some when you return." he said smiling a bit after he saw Ishva playing with his keychain by buckle.

"True words." Ishvamurmured, nodded to the old fella and walked out to the parking over his left the strong winds have now picked up dry sand along but was heading away for now. Walking towards his dusty car which had a history of its own being the first model to be produced in country which he had bought at a cheep price a fews years back at his daughter's wedding for himself thinking No more worldly obligations left the last of first I will keep, little did he knew that for when you are not supposed to, you just don't even at the expense of all things material.

A former heavy weight in the Intelligence Bureau Mr Ishva Chawas was enthusiast reader of all the ancient literature that the country had to offer, he had one son and a daughter before his lovely wife departed the mortal world when he was still making his way in the agency. Caring for the family of two and looking out for his elderly parents had taken a toll of its own on his behavior and health. An hour in the gym for myself he called it at first when his children had become able to feed and fend for themselves. The selfishness of obtaining something out of the life he was given had been dwindling when he first visited the land of unknown 'Alepht Caves' near the coast of west bank of the peninsula.

Among the various text and archeological findings that Ishva had adequately assembled in the bureau for about 30 years of service other than working the usual routine like todays, he had never gone to one of them other than the epiphanic Alepht Caves of the west. The first real read about these cave came to them when a English adventure had stumbled on the remote island about  35 nautical mile out of the west coast following a hoard of seagull who had apparently flown is such silence that he almost had missed them as he had described later in journal that the adventurer had published. After yet many years of knowledge of it not many people have made a second encounters of that island.

As the dust swirled with the strong winds, dust clouds had risen once again, on the distance over the hills a hood of rain and mud settled greenery submitted to it. The clouds were hard to see when Ishva had sat back in his car with still a lot of dust all over, he reached out for one of the pockets in the dash and checked for his flight tickets closing it back. The engine kicked in after the second go at it after a small habbit of keeping his bag on the backseat. 

He started driving along the way in dust and looking for his way home. Though he has had previous experience in the same conditions but that just made him more cautious of where he drove and his there griped. After and about driving one hundred and twenty minutes he had finally drove out of the dusty storm but was backed against a crazy hail of rainfall. The song going over and over again in one of the local language on the tape had almost killed his mood of enjoying the rain when he turned the engines off and parked by the side. The car being a old model had its own perks and packages. He opened the sun roof and on the glass fell rain. A fast moving hail of wind and water stomps made up for all her heard.

He had wanted to wait for the storm to get past this side of the town before her drove any further, now that the rain had taken a turn for the worst Ishva could not wait any longer in the strong storm.The way made up for most ruined structures and silent road, he had a thought of taking a detour to a nearby natural defences to such situations which he had discovered last year, but driving just past a dangerously swinging bridge over a overflowing river slowly and steadily he reached the living quarter he had come to call home for past five years. 

He parked the car just near the driveway to his place and opened the wooden door which creaked while opening as the warm texture of the air filling the closed house greeted him. Walking in he placed the keys in the bowl by the refrigerator which had a can of soup, fruits and few bottles of water, gulping down on one of them he walked near the window and started out in the views of this semi-developed part of the world.

He was assigned here to work preretirement as per the policies. Nine times out of ten its a rural township he got reminded of one of favorite quotes his colleges would share on different occasions. Some of the most profoundly illogical and hilarious quotes he had heard during his preretirement ceremony at the agency. Still sometimes the majority is the right judge of things he thought looking at the green shrubs and plants waving to the natures call, only if they do judge and reason.

Brewing a hot coffee of his taste Ishva finally did open the window that had nature peeking about from its window where the eastern mountains with their splendid history meets the eastern sea and the tornado kicking up in the distance reminded of the impending doom but the common folks did what they found the best way to survive and started moving out. He could see some shepherds and wandering gazers along the trails in the mountain with family friends and their life possession the livestocks.

The first thought and the last reaches only these two should matter, he had heard his daughter preach his grandchild a lovely girl when he last visited them. She had slept on his chest as if enjoying the heaving and expanding of it quite often,  a rosy lipped chubby girl with just enough lisp that'd make you smile on every sentence she spoke. Language was never a barrier for them, they always understand the feeling they get when around someone he thought to himself wondering about and second guessing his own thoughts.